
By Arachne


Here is dissing in progress. C's galley sits on the upper case and she is removing the type from it line by line. Because she knows the words she typeset, she doesn't need to focus too much on the pieces of type in her hand but, using the chart resting on the galley, distributes the letters into the right boxes in the case. Small boxes and those nearer the edge hold infrequently used letters. The large box near the middle is for 'e', as the most-used letter in English.

The more accessible lower case is used for the letters that are used more often (yes, you've guessed which) while the upper case is used for the capitals. Because each piece of type appears backwards, it's important not to confuse 'b's and 'd's, and most certainly to mind 'p's and 'q's. Any letter that goes into the wrong place is 'foul case'.

This evening we took five four-page sheets (one blank and the other four cut from the large sheets we printed last week) and folded and collated them. We stitched them then glued on last week's marbled covers. Altogether this evening we completed 60 books. One will go into the Bodleian library and a couple of others will appear in a future blip.

The course is over - so soon. It's been brilliant.

The series

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