Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Nice View

It's been a funny day today. I haven't actually done much but feel like I have!

I bought a board for the Wii and attempted to set it up today as I wanted to have a go on the Wii Fit game that a friend had given to me a couple of weeks ago. After the faff of creating a Mii, I attempted a couple of the balancing bad was I? Even the ski-ing game had me all out of sync...I realised, after about 20 minutes, that I had the board facing the tv back to front!! Durr! I can't see why everyone raves about the Wii Fit as I think it's a load of **** (see yesterdays Blip for a big clue to that). How can the Wii Fit possibly get anyone fit? You don't even get a sweat on. The only thing I got 4 stars for was the jogging and, having done it on the spot, I think I much prefer a real jog, out of doors.

Anyhoo, I then spent the rest of the day doing not much at all which was nice. (Well, I did some housework, collected kids from school, made tea, sorted out uniforms and stuff which goes without saying). I had a walk up to my weekly fat club and took this photo on the way back home. Rivington Pike was looking pretty nice in the background there. We've had sunshine, rain and hailstones today.

Finally, a BIG "thank you" to all my fellow Blippers who posted congrats on my 500th. Sorry so many of you were confused as to which one was the correct Blip but I'd been Backblipping and I was confused too. The wrong one made the spotlight page but not to worry, it's all good! Thanks again x

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