Times Of My Life

By CarolB


Day 21 in the Big Christmas House!

Couldn't have been worse.  This cheery little 'Gel Sticker' adorns my kitchen door. At 12.30pm today, this was the view skyward from my kitchen: grey, greying, and wet, and windy.  All in all, a hideous day. 

Made worse by the fact that one of the Bandits got up at 3am this morning, and then again at 6am.  Not much sleep for this Granny.

Managed to keep them in bed, and at least half asleep, until nearly 9 o'clock, by which time it had only just started to be really daylight.  Downstairs, and I swung into the kitchen to start some breakfast, to discover the poor dog had been dreadfully ( I repeat, for the benefit of all my fellow dog-owners - DREADFULLY) ill all over the kitchen floor.  I discovered this primarily, because I put my bare foot in it - yeuch!

An hour later, floor sanitised, dog bedding changed and the old stuff in the washing machine, I managed to feed my grandchildren.  Which was just as well, because an hour after that the poor dog exploded again. 

Drove children home to Burntisland in the dark, and pouring rain, at about 3.30pm.  Coming back home conditions were dreadful, nearly took the wrong exit onto the motorway as I was blinded by rain and the lights of the huge 4-wheel drive thing behind me.  Back home, and poor dog was even sicker than before. 

Cue call to Emergency Vet. Bundled him up, and took him down.  3 injections to try and reduce the inflammation and some antibiotics, and an anti-sickness jag.  Back home, G and I wrote shopping list, and headed to Tesco to get the makings of a Christmas Dinner. 

Nervously arriving back home, worried in case Rocky was worse, but at last he is sleeping - apparently peacefully.  I am not going to disturb him.  Poor wee sausage, he can sleep as long as he wants.  We are booked in to go back to vet at 8.30am tomorrow.

G and I put shopping away.  Both absolutely bloody knackered. 

Christmas? Tonight I have to say - shove it up your sheuch!

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