Shortest day
Didn't feel very short, but regardless here I am being obedient and uploading a landscape with some light in it. At least there was lots of light around today, which is a nice change from all the grey drizzly weather we've had.
Our builders were back today to 'just tidy up a bit', and ended up staying the whole day. Mr B thinks I should give them fewer treats... But they did get a lot of work finished off - so we now have some tiled terrace, my office (now delightfully renamed the Bat Cave) is almost habitable (though electricity might be useful) and a doorway that is probably holding the whole house up is now re-lintelled.
Meanwhile, I baked and finally managed to get some milk chocolate in temper; while the kids played and Mr B made caponata. Later, after a Mr B roast dinner, we watched the Breakfast Club with the kids. Their Monopoly game was soon forgotten and, despite CarbBoy's recently developed loathing for bad language, they both seemed to enjoy it. TallGirl somehow managed to guess the moral of the story in the first two minutes. So perhaps teenageness is not going to be a struggle for her after all... Let's see.
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