It's That Time Of Year Again...
And So It Begins....
It's that time of year again, I mean time to pay your taxes, so Joseph and Mary get ready to travel to their birth place to take part in the census. Mary was feeling under the weather she said she must have wind as her belly was growing at such a rate every month and she just didn't know what to do.
By the Sea of Galilee (I know it's my pond but I have to make do with what I have, just bear with me!!)
Just as they were getting the donkey ready for the journey to Brierley Hill Bethlehem, a bright light came out of the sky, then two Angels appeared within the light, the smallest angel,Gabrielle was her name, said that Mary was with child, boy did that come as a shock to them both.
"How did this happen?" Mary asked,
"Don't you know?" said Joseph, "because I certainly don't"
"Don't worry" the angel said "it's the son of God"
Joseph looked very sternly at Mary with a quizzical look, "I never knew he did things like that" Joseph muttered to himself.
The Angels then went on to say, "You must get your Ass to Bethlehem and there your son will be born.
"How will we find our way?" asked Joseph, "Just follow the Star that shines in the East and it will lead you there" came the reply from the small Angel.
So they packed a few belongings in a bag and off on their way they toddled.
With Joseph muttering all the way and Mary sitting on her Ass.
And so another epic story begins, so tune in tomorrow for the next episode.
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