Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Doing the heavy lifting

So we bought all the big stuff today. Mainly veg. And a bottle of whisky. Oh and about ten tons of cat food. 

Talking of which we had an intruder in the house this morning, the feline variety who couldn't get out. Decided to go up the chimney to escape and I had to pull him down with oven gloves on. Well, can you think of anything better? Cats have claws you know. Not what I had intended to be doing at 6.15 am. But the rest of the day went well, including buying a number of items to make our house cosier namely a large lamp, some more Christmas lights and a new electric blanket. I hate cold beds.

Anyway that's the heavy lifting done - I think. Will leave the rest to top gun who is better equipped than I am for that sort of thing...


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