
A bit more positive.
A smile.

A lovely man who listened.

The same lovely man advised.

Talked me through a range of different things that could be going on with me.

Assured me that my assessment of what had happened last week was correct and that indeed, the first course of action should be to find out what is up with me before trying to treat me.

Even better? I had braced myself to spend money. Our savings were all set to be transferred ready to cover the costs of private treatment.

However, I was in the presence of a gentleman with not only the wonderful talent of reassurance, but one with a clear sense of ethics and morality as well. He advised me against having another ultrasound scan with him this afternoon as "it will, likely as not, show nothing, like your previous scan, so you will just be throwing your money away". Better still, he knew that I was not an insurance patient and when I said that I could afford to cover the cost of what he was proposing, he insisted "absolutely not. You have paid into the system, you work hard, you are entitled to have your treatment through the NHS and to be treated properly".

So now? Well, he has faxed a letter to my GP this afternoon and I need to see her next week. He has told my GP what he feels needs to be the next step and I have to ask her to refer me to him. Then I go onto his waiting listing, which is only 6 or 7 weeks long.

It's still going to be a long road, because he thinks that my problems are possibly not specifically "womens things"...but I am reassured that thorough investigation will take place and if there is no resolution, that there are other paths to follow.

So, despite still being in pain and still be utterly knackered, my head is in a much better space for having been heard.

So much so that I was able to concentrate this afternoon and read Nicholas Sparks' "The Notebook". I recommend it highly, but also recommend that you have a hanky because it is a really emotional read.

Footnote: Do all Obstetrics/Gynaecologist men have mahoosive hands or is it just the ones that I have seen in the past 20 years?

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