Here we go again!


Morisot and Mom

No pictures allowed inside the gallery so my mother waited in the doorway while I stepped out into the rain to take this one. The woman next to her is getting her umbrella ready. Shortly after I took this, as we walked through the Jardin du Ranelagh, it started to hail... hail, in May! Minutes later, the sun came out. That was pretty much the weather pattern all day. I loved the Morisot show. There were lots of works there from private collections (mostly belonging to the Rouart family, I expect) that I had never seen before.

Th is all done her IGCSE exams and is out at a modern dance performance with her French class. This is the second one in a week. Her French teacher loves theatre and has a special fondness for modern dance. He has taken his class to at least 20 shows over the course of the year.

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