Mini Mozarts

A WONDERFUL time this morning with Bulliblips and her family. Such a pleasure to see them and meet the beautiful Zeke... Asha and Eve spent a lot of time either chasing each other, or 'playing' the pianos! I think there's room for improvement...! This was not the best photo, but I liked the fact that both girls were in it!
Grandmaman took Asha to see Father Christmas, apparently Asha was scared stiff of him, but pleased with the colouring in book he gave her! They were meant to go see Paddington tonight, but Asha was fast asleep & I couldn't bring myself to wake her after she's been so shattered...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny arriving safely in Northumberland (!) for a wedding - he's driving there and back in a day! Nutter.
2) The wonderfulness of Suz and Ant, and the fact Asha and Eve played well together.
3) The prospect of a nice evening with Asha and my Parentals - nice food, SPARKLY jelly (M&S) and the Strictly final...

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