Great auntie Dorothy

Christmas officially started today, why? Because I've been to see my godmother. She's an amazing lady, such a warm, loving person and I feel honoured that she's part if my life and also the children's.

Went to grandmas for lunch after then came home, was so glad to be home as tiredness hit me like a sledgehammer about five minutes later. Luckily Wom was happy to cuddle and Munchie was happy to okay.

Daddy home, once again I became second fiddle, but hey ho! Daddy was out tonight on a shooting Christmas meal so auntie Sarah came round with tons of resources for reception classes, she's also introduced me to Pinterest.

No major plans for the next two days which is fab, stuff to do but.....

Must clean munchies car seat as she did her first ever wee in it. She asked for the potty, then went uh oh..... She refused to do a going out wee having done a wee a few minutes before going out, she then fell fast asleep in the car so think this was a stealth wee!

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