
I am going crazy here trying to make my Christmas cards! I thought I had better get on with them. I wonder if the one I have to send to Australia will get there in time......hmmmmm!

The pic I took wasn't what I planned. The printer keeps having a hissy fit. I've kicked my drink all over the floor. I dropped the glue and the end is all messy now.....the air is blue here!!!

Pat and Sue left us home alone at the teashop today, it was really busy and we had an initial moment of panic....especially when we nearly set the place on fire. I only broke one jug, but I did burn my hand...and yes I do want sympathy!!!!! We soon got into the swing of it and we did a damn fine job by the end of the day. I am absolutely shattered though, which doesn't help when I have a load of cards to create.

A lovely couple came in the afternoon. They were from way down south and were oop north for a wedding tomorrow. As he was leaving he said, "Isn't it amazing how we can put a man on the moon, we can give someone a heart transplant...but we haven't found a cure for all your speech impediments!"....well I had no option but to throw him out, the cheeky sod...ha ha ha!!

Well I had better get back to the card making...sigh 

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