The Ditchling Stag

Today I have had a complete and utter day off. Its been lovely. So relaxing but still didn't get everything done that I wanted to do like decorate the Christmas Cake ready for the Blippish Fake Off Challenge on Monday organised by JazzyB and finish my reports (that's just a never ending task!). I MUST make time for them tomorrow.

I did however, drive 40 miles to get todays Blip (only because I could!) and spend my £1 voucher in Ditchling Garden Centre! Im pleased to say its better than last years attempt so my photography must be slowly improving!

Went to the post office to post something I sold on ebay. The postage cost me more than the selling price so wont do that again! And that was second class so hope they don't moan they didn't get it in time for Christmas!

Mr W has just Skyped. I didn't want him to go as tonight is the first time I have felt a bit lonely since he has been gone, and Iv got the whole weekend to go yet. I think an early night with an ER box set is now called for once Iv chosen a selection of chocolates to take with me!

Slowly getting used to this new Blip. There are still a few bits I'm missing and not keen shop, no thumbnail choice, not being able to scroll between pics with the arrows on the key board, pics being too big to fit on the screen, not knowing what blip has been commented on and no Spotlight but I know some of those issues will be rectified soon.

Have a great weekend all.

Night night.


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