Time Flies!

I have always wanted a cuckoo clock so when I saw this in a charity shop I went for it and paid all of 50p. Took it home and now it has pride of place on my wall. Ok so its made of plastic but one can always dream!
Busy day today. It began with having to wheelbarrow a heap of wood my fellow blipper had got and whom she shared some with me. It's now on the fire and we are toasting nicely. The second part of my day saw me finally after much procrastination begin to paper the bathroom wall. The paper is of some Parisian city scape with all the major iconic building etc on it. Only my dodgy papering has the Eiffel Tower multiply itself and if you look too close you may think you are drunk! Anyhow it will be finished tonight and then hubby gets to hang the nice new cabinet and mirror up plus put in a wee cupboard thingy, so it will be looking grand. How clever am I. Don't answer that! This is my first blip upload using my computer and as I type I see it still only at 5% so is painfully slow! i'm still not happy with the new white site but then who at Blip cares! so long as they get more people using Blip then they will be happy, soon it will be full of selfie loading teenagers, when that happens I will be off! Well thats ten minutes and still not uploaded! Waiting.......

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