If it's not broken why fix it??? HELP!!!

Today we are having serious problems in the ‘Mollycollie’ household.


Sorry ‘Blip Central’ but this new website is driving us both mad.  Obviously it is driving Ann madder than me, because as I am a dog, all I need to do for blip is look irresistibly gorgeous for a few minutes every day.  Whereas Ann……………….  Well she’s been ranting at me for most of the day due to the problems she’s having, finding her way around this site.


We’re trying to look at all the changes as being positive, but really, if it’s not broken why fix it?  We love BLIP, we’re addicted to it,  Ann even likes it more than wine, but it seems to have gone all ‘Facebooky’ on us.  Thank goodness Ann didn’t sign up for ‘life membership’ because I don’t think we’re going to be using this site much longer.


However don’t worry ‘subscribers’ or are you followers now? because if we do stop blipping Ann’s promised to make me my own little page on blogger.com so you can still follow my daily adventures.


And before Ann goes into mega ‘RANT’ mode; this is a photo of me just before the sunset.  It’s been a beautiful day so I’ve been out walking for most of the afternoon.  Home now and Ann’s trying to post my BLIP.  She’s ranting again so I’ve gone into my bed ‘cos I’m getting a bit fed up hearing about how difficult it is to do anything on this site??!!!


And if you’re like me and don’t want to listen to Ann ranting, click onto something else now if you can.  Ann can’t even find a home page!!!  Normal service will resume tomorrow. 


OK so I’ve been in the forums (took me almost half an hour to find a link that took me there) and looked at the FAQs and faffed about for ages on this ‘fabulous new website’.  I will freely admit that I am an untechie, middle aged woman who finds anything remotely techie difficult.  However, there’s loads of Blippers who are a lot older than me.  Why haven’t we had a ‘simple user friendly guide’ for navigating around this new site???  We are not all young trendies!!!  And also, I would imagine that most people on BLIP are also on Facebook.  We don’t need another FB site.  And judging by the comments in the forums a lot of people feel the same way.  For me that is very reassuring.  Anyway I love Blip so I’m going to stick with it for a few weeks.  In the meantime if anyone can answer any of the questions below I’d be very grateful.



  How do you view the whole photo?
  How do you preview your Blip before posting?
  Why does everything you’re just about to post disappear when you tick the ‘add to map’ button?
  How do you edit a blip after it’s been posted?
  Where is all the ‘statistic info’?
  How do you know how many subscribers (now followers?) you’ve got or how many Blippers you subscribe (follow?) to?
  How do you know how many new notifications you’ve got.  They seem to be in date order but how do you know if you’ve looked at them or not?
How do you know how many new comments you’ve got & what BLIP they’re referring to? I’d far rather have a thumbnail of my blip that has got the comment, instead of a thumbnail of the person writing the comment.  BLIP is not FB!!!
Is BLIP CENTRAL now one of my subscribers? They are on my ‘followers’ page???
Why can’t I access BLIP on an iphone?
Why is the ‘comment’ box at the top and not the bottom of blips?  Sometimes it’s nice to read through the previous comments and comment on the other comments.
New comments pop up – but not next to a BLIP – so how do we know which photo they are referring to???
If you reply to a comment do you then have to click on that Blippers page to make sure that your comment has been added?  Tried this and it said the page didn’t exsist????
Where have the ‘tracked replies’ gone?
What’s happened to the blip birthday notifications?
Where’s all the info that tells you what kind of camera etc has been used to take the photo.  It was originally a photography site after all.
Why does all the profile info keep popping up at the side of my blips?  I wrote that four years ago. Does anyone really want to see it every time they click on my blip?
How do I subscribe to someone new & how do I unsubscribe?
Where do I find the new blippers blips?
Why have BLIP changed a brilliant site that was well used and loved by all? HELP!!!!!

Oh and if anyone's interested - we're posting from St Ives in Cornwall but I daren't click the 'add to map' button because when I did that yesterday everything that I posted was lost??!!  I'm also not going to try to tag anything because this is a long blip and if this doesn't publish I'll be even more angry than I already am.

Love you all Blippers xxxx










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