A little bedraggled...

I went for a long walk with Alfred this morning and he did something to his foot.  I don't know what part he hurt, or what he did, but I think something happened to or between his pads in his paw.  He often walks a bit behind me and did today. When I turned back to hurry him along, he was just standing there holding his back right paw off the ground.  He'd scrunched it up into a tight 'fist' type ball and wouldn't open it to let me examine it.  I carried him all the way home and his injured leg was shivering as they do when they're in pain.  

At home I looked and looked, but couldn't see anything.  I put him in the bath and held his paw under the running tap - a gentle flow at first, then a stronger one, to try and wash away whatever was there, if there was something - I didn't see anything come out though.  I used baby shampoo on it to get it clean.

When I got him out of the bath he was still a bit careful of it, but started to put it on the floor, and it seems to be back to normal now.  He's running as normal and not nibbling at it (which he did only once, after I'd bathed it).  That's the story of our walk today.  Before all of this, we saw these horses out in the drizzle - they are beauties!  


I also stripped Alfred's coat this afternoon.  He's looking much younger and smarter now! :-)

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