Triple Portrait

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My first ever triple portrait and it turned out not too badly; how could it otherwise with such a bevy of beauties on the sofa! From left to right are my Mum (Jean), LadyFindhorn (our fellow blipper and hostess with the ginger bread today!), and DD (my wife and fellow back-logged blipper!).

Out of shot is HL who joined the tea party this morning and entertained us with many amusing anecdotes. Mum was later to comment that she thought his beard particularly fine - watch out LadyF!

Amazingly, we three blipper were all together one year ago today in exactly the same place and also enjoying each other's very easy company. Serendipity!

We very much enjoyed ourselves before we had to dash off to the other side of the Meadows and move the car to avoid a parking ticket, which we successfully did!

Thanks again, LadyF and HL, for a lovely visit!

The rest of the day was the familiar blur and we would have been running on empty if it had not been for the said ginger bread...for the record it was out to Sainsbury at Saughton to buy more bedding and towels for the Edinburgh flat, a photoshoot of the flat for the next round of attracting tenants, before a last visit to Glenrothes to see the rest of DD's family there including our great nephew Michael, who is now four.

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