Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54


I used the website to post this from my iPad and it published it before I could even give it a title. So not only is the weather a giant (where's the bold, italics, etc? Oh, never mind, I'll insert it manually) UGH! but so is my continuing angst over the changes here.

I hate to beat a dead horse, but I think it's only brain dead...the heart is still beating. I tried earlier from my iPad to reply to people's comments on yesterday's blip but nothing would post. I guess I'll have to wait until I get home tonight.

On to other more pleasant has invited me over for dinner tonight with a mutual friend of ours to join us. I'm looking forward to it. I am so cold! It's probably in the 50 degree range but it has been raining or drizzling for a few days, on and off. I'm sitting in a Starbucks and as I look around I see young people dressed in long-sleeved t-shirts at most.

I'm wearing one of those, a sweatshirt, an oversized hooded sweatshirt over those and a lined jacket. Thank God I was once much larger in size and have so many clothes large enough to layer like this. And wouldn't you know...I'm still freezing in here.

I'm going to go buy a grande hot chocolate (soy) and hold the cup tightly in my hands (I'd really like to put the warm cup close to my freezing feet but that would be in poor taste, even for me).

I hate winter.

Oh, and this was the view I had as I drove down the giant hill I live on to go into town in the early afternoon.

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