Red Squirrel


Stairway To ...

.... Heaven?
Nah, not Heaven, sorry - the steps which lead up from Westwick Street to St. Benedicts Street in Norwich, running beside St. Lawrrence Church. I stopped off in central Norwich on my way from my Tuesday morning school back to County Hall, and needed to climb these steps. At the bottom I rather liked the effect of the 3 tiers, seen one above the other, epecially with the rain on them and the red brick wall to one side, the flint church wall on the other . So blip sorted, which is just as well as I have a lot do to tonight.

Take bigger steps here.

I DO have a music link but not the obvious one! I find Stairway to Heaven rather boring, so instead is one of my absolute fave Zeppelin tracks, which describes a place that to me sounds just like Heaven ...

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