Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Port Appin's new arrival takes shape

For those of you have stayed with me this far…   The next stage in the preparation of this model was to spray it overall matt white/primer.  Then I masked out the fresh paint so that I could flash over the interior colours - in this case a drab brown to reflect the fashion of bus interiors of the 1960's.  The axles have been cut to length, the twin and single wheels attached to the axles and attached to the body.

You can see how the white spray highlights any flash to be trimmed off - look at the roof section.  You can also see the plastic window inserts to be cut out and glued in place but that's a few days off yet.

Meanwhile I've started looking at pics of the actual vehicle and redesigning some artwork to fit the new shaped panels.  Studying the pics from internet sources also gives me an idea of any tweaks I can apply to identify this as the actual vehicle when it's completed.  For example hatches, grilles and panels exclusive to LA1 of Glasgow Corporation Transport.

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