La Moss Shows Off, London

Day 352 of 365. The very last of the "mad season" is over - no more galleries or auctions to shoot until next year so all I've got to do now is catch up with all the work in my studio that I haven't been able to do for weeks! Still, it means I can play music again while I work so that will help a great deal.
Had our only Christmas party cancelled last week due to too many people being away (boo!) so decided to have our own mini party instead.
So a few of us went for wine and pizza  - a good laugh, great conversation (the more I drank the more sparkling a raconteur I became (yeah right!)) and just an all in all lovely time.
Today's shot was taken on the way to the station while trying to recover from the wine and beer intake! A giant orange sculpture and a ten foot La Moss certainly stood out.
I'm a bit unsure of the new blip format - looks very like Flickr to me and not like blipfoto at all. I think the old format stood out more from the competition, it was more elegant, less blingy but I'm sure I'll get used to it in the end. Maybe it's just that I don't like change but I suppose things can't stay the same way forever. Such a dramatic change from the old format must have involved a lot of hard work and to have done it so quickly must have been very taxing for everyone involved. Just like going from film to digital!

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