A Pensive Moment
I spent much of today in Union meetings, the first one with the management about the future of the largest groups of operational staff in Radio. Needless to say, discussions continue to be about cutbacks and reductions in staff numbers. So depressing. I'm glad to be getting out of it all in a very few months' time, and don't have much faith about the future of the BBC as a whole in the coming years. Such a shame to see this once-great British institution's sad decline.
There were several sheep, a couple of sheepdogs, a donkey, a load of shepherds, Mary and Joseph, and a platoon of centurions on the Piazza outside Broadcasting House today. I thought it was another elaborate setup for The One Show, but it was actually all for a full performance of the Wintershall Nativity . A couple of shepherd-type people are pictured here during a pensive moment between performances.
I spoke to Mum again when I arrived home this evening. Dad felt a bit nauseous this morning, but was feeling quite a bit better when I called. It seems that everything is still somewhat chaotic at home for the time being. I feel for Mum, who's finding it very difficult to adapt to new things at the age of 87. I'm sure a more stable routine will establish itself soon, so that there is some kind of structure to their days and things go a bit more smoothly for them.
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