shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Festive table

A lovely evening at housegroup tonight, with some great food. Am currently trying to get used to the new blipfoto site design, looks very different,  and I rather miss the old site, specifically the fact I used to be able to see an entire image on my laptop screen, and now have to scroll, which is beyond annoying.  I also find the white background rather glaring, I liked the classier grey better. I also HATE the way that archive blips have been added to the total, so it tells me I have posted 1684 entries,  but I don't care about that total, I want an accurate count of how long I have been on blip and posting without a day off, according to a handy website date calculator this is actually my 1334th consecutive blip! I know that makes me a rather sad and pathetic individual,  but there you go, if you're reading this i doubt that is news to you! ;-) And I really, really want the preview function back. Moaning Minnie is signing off now...

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