Christmas Lights V

It’s Wednesday so it must be B&Q day.  Ann and I went this morning determined not to leave until we’d chosen and bought some flooring for the kitchen/garden room.  This task has not been easy and we’ve bought numerous samples home, in fact we could probably have covered most of the floor using the mismatch of laminate samples we had.  Anyway, mission accomplished and we came home with twelve boxes of flooring boards for Martin to lay in the new year.  I just hope we’ll like it once it’s down.
This meant a late trip into town for coffee and buying some odds and ends.  Due to the earlier dark nights my choice of blip pictures was limited to same old, same old, but at least I’m varying the decorations I take photos of.  It’ll be back to dog walk pics once the lights are taken down!
 I’ve had a look at the new web site and I like the common interface for lap top and phone though there seems to be some missing links (blipfolio for instance) and the view count on historic pictures seem to have been drastically cut.  Hopefully these omissions will be rectified.  The new web site also seems to have turned my comments facility back on, so feel free to throw abuse at my pics.
Today’s offering is a simple composition of the walkway between Henley Street and Wood Street.

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