17th Door of the Advent Caledar: Preparations

A busy, busy evening as I wrapped rest of the packets and cleaned the gage of the budgies tonight. Some shopping in the supermarket and bought also some hyacints...

But I had some troubles with the car at the supermarket parking lot. The remote control of the car would not lock the doors at all. What can you do?
I tried and tried. Nothing. The battery seemed to work... What would you have done? I left the car unlocked and left to groceries.

Which made me think about the calendar video clip of mine... As I seem not to be able to add any link here, I will copy paste it.
Hope you like the story. It is almost like this here, as today we had some 5cm new snow and freezing cold in the evening... :)
The clip surely made me laugh aloud. Hope you like it too!

And I also hope you liked the xmas song yesterday.
Xmas can come to me now!


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