Pushing Up the Daisies

This flourishing clump of daisies is no respecter of the solemn graveyard wall plaque remembering the long departed Edward Henryson and family, and brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'Pushing up the Daisies'

He was obviously a man of some note and eminence in the city to have afforded such a huge memorial tablet set into the wall above the tomb, which is now sadly in terminal decline a bit like the inmates.

I'm sure he would have preferred his grave to be decorated with expensive floral tributes rather than common or garden weeds, but he's hardly in a position to complain, and they do brighten up the decay.

I'm about to visit the physio this afternoon about a twinge I've had in my back for about 6 months and for which he prescribed exercises a month ago.
I'm going to have to tell a few fibs about how often I've done them.

The exercises involve lying on the floor on my back and doing abdominal crunches. All good and well, but getting back up is not as easy as it once was, with weak wrists and a dodgy shoulder. I have done them in a desultory kind of way, to no betterment of the twinge.

Perhaps it's just another one of those things I will have to live with until I have my very own clump of daisies to push up.

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