Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Cautionary Tale of Woe

Unless you have oodles of money and therefore can afford major work for a leaky tap DO NOT tile in your bathroom.

Yes it looks nice - all clean and hotel like. But it is not practical.

Think about it - how do you get to the pipes and taps? What if you need to change a washer? What if you notice a damp patch on the ceiling? What if you spring a leak?

There are two ways to get in:
Underneath = hole in ceiling, working up a ladder, bathroom not always situated in a place that this is practical.

The 'normal' way (if you had a bath access panel) through the side aka bash the ******* tiles in = hard work, noisy, makes a mess.

You can see the option I went for.

The bit missing from the bath is down to Mr Mouse - who is now banned from DIY (and power tools as he also managed to cut through the lawn mower cable the other day).

I would like to point out that we did not tile in the bathroom - but we did think that it looked really nice when we picked the house and thought how lovely a job that we wont have to deal with as its been in less than a year.

I am hoping that I can get the side tiles off with out too much damage else where so we can then install a side panel (also hoping that once we have gained access that we can fix the leak without the need of a plumber fingers crossed)

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