SO? What's fresh?

Visited Chippy w.r.t. an ongoing project. There were a lot of potential Blips in his office and it started to hurl it down while we chatted.

Came out to set off home and Blipped a Hogget-hole, nowhere as recent, or posh, as page 2 of this one.

Looked across the fields and for one odd moment thought "NAY! You can't see Ullswater from here." THEN it became apparent I was looking at another plastic field, which looked much nearer horizontal than the photo shows.

My mind, also, went back to 1973-78. A gang of Firemen were listening to the Shipping forecast.
"Blahblah, yadahyadahyadah.....Precipitation in sight."
"Huh!" Said Eric, "Looks like rain."

So? What's fresh??

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