
By angellightphoto

evening sunbather

...I wrote yesterday on SparkyD's blip, that we, too, had enjoyed the privilege of a roe deer hind in the olive grove below our garden. Well, she was still hunkered down under a fig tree when we went in for the night so we thought we would see if she was still there this morning. To our delight, she was not only still there but had given birth to the prettiest, tiniest, spottiest fawn you ever could see. We didn't bring any telephoto lenses so trying to get a shot was out of the question but we watched them both through the binoculars until they moved off into deeper cover. Wonderful!

I said yesterday that I would blip the view from our garden today if the cloud lifted off the mountains. The cloud lifted. I took a nice panorama. Just as I was heading back indoors to upload it, I spotted one of our resident wall lizards soaking up a bit of the evening sun and couldn't resist making this my choice for today.

Incidentally, the red dot to the bottom right is a red spider mite...

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