Prepared for tomorrow...

This month it's been ten year since I started at my present workplace. Almost incredible!

M was kind and energetic enough to prepare all these lovely South African sweets, so that I can celebrate with my lovely colleagues, by throwing a little surprise party at the morning coffee tomorrow.

From back to front: Korslose appeltert (appel tart), lepelsteeltjies ("cheesy jam-hole biscuits" a distant and even tastier relative of the Swedish hallongrotta, in this case with peach jam, the dough is extra tasty thanks to a generous amount of Swedish Västerbotten cheese) and dadelbolletjies (date balls with cocos, egg, almonds and sugar).

A huge thanks, M! You are such a generous person! All my love!

A favourite quote about "lepelsteeltjies": They are not easy to pass by: the only safe way to store them is behind lock and key. Luckily, lepelsteeltjies will get stale if you leave them too long, so you'll have the perfect excuse to liberate them.

One Year Ago: Wild tulip


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