Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Common Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)

Another Addenbrookes day today for Mr A, which I felt was a waste of time, but he felt was beneficial; so what do I know? At least I saw my daughter twice, very briefly, as she had to walk past where we were on two occasions. Then we went to Scotsdales to get some plants for the front garden and the two tubs by the front door.

I took some pictures of the different coloured French marigolds and white lobelia, which we bought, but I decided to blip another wild flower. This is Common Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) (I think) and it is growing opposite our front gates. If it is Common Comfrey, it has a variety of other names including boneset, knitbone, consound and slippery root. In the past it was used in herbal medicines, but it is now believed that it causes liver damage.

I have posted yesterday's wildflower on iSpot in the hope of an identification; I will let you know if anyone identifies it.

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