For the family

By RonaMac

Six babies

Arrived back from Kathmandu, via Doha, late last night and stayed over in a hotel before getting the coach home this morning.

Managed to get unpacked, shopping done and started on the washing before collapsing into bed!!! These long travelling days do me in, especially when I now wake at 5am GMT.

We have had a great holiday. Very interesting and informative, not very restful with many early morning starts (I'm not an early bird at the best of times) which I have coped with, with only minimal complaints!! Met up with our son in law for dinner twice in Kathmandu and caught up on the news, a highlight of the holiday. He looks fit and well.

Managed not to get bitten by any insects, thanks to the repellent that I consciously applied!! Must be strong stuff, it has removed the polish off my finger nails. Hate to think what it has done to my skin!!

The only down side on our return was the problems getting the front door open. The Post Office delivery service has happily taken our money to save our mail whilst away and continued to stuff it through the letterbox each day for the past 2 weeks.

Delighted to turn on the TV today to find that all 6 eggs in our nesting box have safely hatched. The quality of the picture is not good, but will try to improve as time goes on.

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