Let's Go for a Walk!

Our town centre library has been featuring local writers recently, and this week they are featuring the books of the Head Gardener, who, apart from gardening, has many other talents, one of which is navigation and the writing of books on walking. He has to date written four, and they have sold very well, as well as being frequently taken out of the library.

I am indebted to Four Story for this blip suggestion.

Went to country dancing class this morning, had some lunch then went out to deliver my Christian Aid envelopes. Weather was beautiful all morning, and as I went out the sun was shining and it was beautiful. Ten minutes later I had to retreat from the hailstones!!!

Scotland? Some country! If you don't like the weather, just wait ten minutes, it is bound to change!

Off to a girls' night tonight, so looking forward to a good laugh and some interesting chat.

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