Plein Air Painting
The morning started with a long chatty phone call from my son. Perfect start to my Mother's Day. Also got really sweet cards from Arvin's daughters.
After breakfast Arvin and I walked from our house to Big Rock Garden for the Mother's Day celebration there. I was one of eight painters from Trish Harding's studio who were in the park painting from 12:30 to 4. My good friend Vikki and I chose the same spot to paint and had a lovely time together. We were right behind the large Korean Memorial where the band was playing so we were serenaded all day with their great Irish music. Vikki painted the trees along the path and I painted the Memorial. This photo shows my painting in the foreground and Vikki working on her painting on the right. It was a perfect day, warm, sunny and fresh. People passed us on the path and stopped to chat and comment on our paintings. Great fun.
We walked home and found my brother Dave and his wife Nora already there. The four of us drove up Mt Baker Highway to Il Cafe Refugio for a yummy Mother's Day dinner. Friends George and Maryann, who were the founders of Big Rock Garden, happened by and we had a nice chat. Then Jean Mann sang and it turned out she was the sister of a friend of ours. It is truly a small world. We had a wonderful day.
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