...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Mothers Day 2012

What a great Mother's day! We went to breakfast this morning at a local diner, where Miles got to eat a "giant pancake" and a nice older man went through the restaurant giving all the moms there a red rose. So sweet.
When we got home we walked to the park, played with some new friends and then walked around talking to all the ducks.
Later, when Miles woke up from his long nap, Mimi and Grandpa C were here!Mitch put on a delicious BBQ for us all and Miles played with his water table, his mini pool and his outdoor house. After lots of time in the sun, Miles was ready for a second nap. After he woke up we had dinner and then we skyped with Nana and Auntie Heather followed by Grandpa and Grandma Soukup before bed.
To top off the day, Portland had absolutely beautiful weather for us, and Miles and Hurley got me starbucks gift cards and some amazing cards (thanks dada).

Here is a picture of myself and Miles at the park this morning, marveling at the ducks. He is the reason I get to celebrate today - and I am so lucky to have such a beautiful, healthy, amazing "mama's boy"

and Happy Mother's day to my mama (Mimi), Mickey (Nana), and Diane (Grandma Soukup)

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