investigations of a dag

By kasty


random despo blip - a lovely vintage 1930's book given to me by friend G as a birthday gift. Bursting with inspiration I should use but I've not had the most productive of days... ach well, it be's that way sometimes

Eventually dragged myself out of a very lazy morning by heading to the swim club at glenogle baths. I must find a way to blip it without getting chucked out for being a perv.

Friend G was a little distraught on the way there as his laptop has went into a huffy computer coma and refuses to boot up. A few lengths, a steam, a sauna and laughing at some hairy guy stretching in his speedo's cheered him up. Afterwards we all refuel with coffee, udon noodles, chai and cakes at the stockbridge market.

Weather seems to have a grudge again. Wild wind and lashing rain. Enough to wipe out the post swim bliss and send me scurrying home to catch up with blip and the bridge. Am so addicted that even the theme tune has me on edge trying to think like an Swedish cop with Asperger's or a genius serial killer.

A busy week coming up so really have to go study. Have to... really have to.

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