An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

All Work and No Play...

Is fun but exhausting!

Well I suppose it depends on the work.

Only time to pop in and straight out of Blip again as having had no time to even look in the direction of my OU course all week, the whole of today has been spent catching up with week 2.

David had kindly printed off the whole session for me so took the time to read through it before going online. Seemed pretty straightforward. Well it did till I went on to the OU site and discovered only half of the session had printed off and there was MUCH more to it than I realised! Arrgghhhhh!!!

Never mind, the theory is done for today but need lots of practice so plan to fit that in sometime this evening between doing the dishes (dishwasher still gubbed. No point buying a new one before we move) giving Alan is supper, getting my work stuff sorted and spending at least 5 mins with my hubby.

D has been an absolute star. He had a pile of work home with him and as well as doing that he's got the washing up to date, kept Alan amused, made and gave Alan his dinner, ironed all his work shirts and made our dinner. He even brought me a G&T and some crisps and dip to keep me going in the run up to dinner. He's now getting Alan showered and ready for bed. Yip, he's definitely a keeper! :)))

Ironically given what I am studying, I haven't even had time to think about what to blip today so you get the view that I've been looking at for most of the day....course notes, written notes and my OU Studio space with four spaces still to fill for this week's session.

I have stopped looking at the OU forums as seeing people asking questions about weeks 3 and 4 is making me want to hurl the laptop out the window panicking me slightly!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is wrong with you people?!!! It's only the end of week 2 FFS!!!

And relax......

Catch up soon peeps......I hope!

P.S. Backblipped yesterday HERE

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