The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Crystal balls

Water drops on a leaf of Alchemilla mollis.

The mighty whirrlitzer has nearly defeated me tonight. For the last two hours it has been whirring constantly and everything else has ground to a halt. It has taken me for ever to load the few photos I took today, and then to pick one to put on here. I have no idea if this was the best shot, I simply haven't got the time or endurance to look at any more.

A couple of days ago I was congratulating myself on a check-up at the dentist's that needed no follow-up. I should have known better, when I was chewing on a sandwich at lunchtime, a large filling in one of my molars disintegrated. Now there is a cavernous hole in a sensitive tooth. Oh well.

And now for the good things today. This morning Wifie and I attended the Cumbria Wildlife Trust's 50th birthday celebration. Part of the morning was a presentation of the Golden Badger's Paw to people who have made a contribution to the work of the Trust as volunteers, or working in partnership. For whatever random reason, they decided to give one of these to me - as well as to two of my more deserving, long-serving colleagues. I was touched.

Before the Whirrlitzer went into meltdown, I spent the afternoon sorting out a few images that have been shortlisted for the Arnside Silverdale AONB Summer exhibition. How good is that? as Wifie would say.

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