Life through the lens...

By ValC

Make a wish!

This dead tree contains hundreds of coins. People have for many years hammered a coin into the trunk and made a wish!
It is on the path through a wooded valley along side Malham Beck on the way to a lovely waterfall called Janet's Foss.

You can then follow the beck up to Gordale Scar, or do like we did and follow the path which takes you to the top of Malham Cove. From there the view over Malhamdale and across to Pendle Hill is breathtaking.

We then took the path to Watlowes, Tomb Scar, Water Sinks and back to Malham village. About 7-8miles.

There are some wonderful walks around Malham, in the most fantastic limestone secnery you will see anywhere in the British Isles.
Today the walk was difficult in places over very rough boulders, but fortunately it was dry inspite of all the rain we have had. Quite a cold wind on top, but amazing views!
Yet another wonderful day.

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