Skip's Blips

By Skip

Penne con Sauccia-Tonight's supper

I spent the entire afternoon on the computer and the phone with computer techs trying to get help because my computer stubbornly won't let me download my antivirus software. The nasty machine says I have to be the administrator of my account, which I am, but it refuses to accept my credentials. Round and around and around we went, seeking the solution to my problem to no avail. Well, almost to no avail. The last person I spoke to went above and beyond in his effort to help. He truly renewed my faith in the online help desk. Nevertheless, I still don't have my antivirus downloaded {sigh}!

Consequently, I never got outside on this beautiful fall afternoon. Sitting at the supper table, wondering what to blip (since I had no pictures), I decided my blip had to be my biggest success of the day. No, scratch was my only success: Penne con sauccia, a recipe I had never made before. I couldn't take the picture until I had dished out a large second serving for my husband, so I know it was a success. Sorry the presentation isn't more attractive. It was getting late, and we were too hungry to worry about a little detail like that.

You can find the recipe on It was a real lifesaver today.

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