My world in pictures!

By MichelleB

If Grandmothers were flowers, I'd pick you!

Its been a very exciting day today all round.

The kids are super excited to have their Grandparents from Orkney come to visit, they will be staying with us over the next 4 days.

Laurence and I were excited as they agreed to babysit so we could go out for a meal just the two of us :-D this is a very rare occurance! As it turned out we had something to celebrate!

Yesterday I received my first canvas with my photograph on it I was so excited and felt very proud of how it turned out! As a result of this I have now SOLD one and have 2 freelance shoots booked!!!!!! So there is light at the end of the tunnel and I may be able to turn something which I love into a little sidline but more importantly hopefully provide something which will bring people many happy memories at a reasonable price :-) I am so excited to see what the future brings now!

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