All These Things...

By Joestockdale

The Bull

Congrats to Drew and Ryan on their wedding day, superb venue and some incredibly hilarious moments through out the day. I'd have to say this was one of the best wedding's I've ever been to and thank you very much Ryan and Drew, for choosing me as the photographer for such a grand event.

I really liked this shot as it captures the sense of fun and formality working hand in hand. For the colour pop I used a saturation adjustment layer and carefully masked off the background, there is a lot going on within this shot so keeping most of the focus on the foreground was key, but by keeping the people in focus with a bit of added light to not completely lose attention from them either, notice the small child peeping over the side of the ring.
When taking this shot I bounced my flash off the wall and roof to make the light diffuse nicely onto the subject.

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