
Out on the water today, it was assessment day. I cannot roll the kayak but wanted to push myself.

At the car park it was a show of Scottishness, lots of people running and cycling and 3 people with the blue plastict carrier with the carry oot at 10.00 in the morning.

A flat calm Silversands was the starting point then round the corner into the westerly, I had to concentrate to keep straight and upright. Lots of challenges for me and then over to Inchcolm. A wedding was taking place in the chapel, at least they had a decent dry day. They set off to the boat as the tourists invaded on the ferry boat.

Back out and we paddled through a kelp forest, stunning big skies and bright coloured kayaks, must get a waterproof camera.

A real struggle for me back to shore with a incoming tide being battered by the westerly, the water was everywhere and I was gripped the whole way across. I was shattered.

A few rescue drills and high support strokes before returning home.

Eco daughter and her pals have been doing 'Come Dine with me', they were round the corner. Every so often the girls would appear as they were playing tig and hide and seek. This is the hand of one of the invaders.

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