
By JillyMint

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Finally, almost a month late, all the house martins have arrived. Two have taken up occupancy in last year's perfect nest. The rest are on the farmhouse next door. I had almost given up hope of them nesting here this year. Summer wouldn't have been the same without them.
We seem to have 3 pairs of swallows nesting in the barn. That is this summer's project. That will annoy 'her in the farmhouse' (ie me camping out in the pop-up hide taking photos of swallows flying into the barn!)
Sparrow mums still only have one baby (2 other eggs remain unhatched) in webcam nest, not sure how many there are in the manmade housemartin nest on the other side
Blue tits definitely have young in their nest as I can hear them (webcam remains out of action. I have however fixed the lawnmower!)
GC grebes still have 4 eggs
Woodpecker appears not to have found a mate
Mallards come back occasionally to roost overnight but I am not encouraging them as they are eating the weed that my pond needs (still struggling to reach balance)
The big field next door appears to lie in the middle of the territories of 2 pairs of buzzards. Bit if a battle yesterday out there (too far; only crap shots)
The bat walk on Friday night was quite fun. very informative talk by Staffordshire bat group. very cold so only saw common and Soprano pipistrelle. Managed not to trip over and make a *** of myself as we walked about Aqualate Mere in the dark.
More shots from yesterday's very exciting, hyperventilating, flight over Shropshire are appearing slowly in my blipfolio so keep checking!
That's all for now folks - in the garden planting cornflowers and then out for lunch. Will catch up when I get back. x

canon 1d; 252mm; ISO800; f/5; 1/640"

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