Marching ants
Long, long, long day. End of term so we packed up the kids and headed off to France for a week of (we hope) sunshine to recharge our batteries for the long dark Scottish winter ahead.
On the way to the airport we stopped of at Mr B's parents for a few hours to spend some time with his dad who is out of hospital and, I'm pleased to say, looking very well indeed.
After the usual dose of Ryanair chaos - involving us all queueing in the rain for 20 minutes to get on the plane - and 40 minutes queueing at passport control in Marseilles we were off for our 2 and a half hour (or thereabouts) drive to our place down here. Don't quite know how Mr B kept driving for that long; we didn't arrive until about 2am and I think I would have headed off to a motel long before then. But we know the long night journey is always worth it to wake up at home.
Anyway, the shot. I was vaguely trying to get a shot of blurred headlights but that, it turns out, is harder than you'd think in a moving car on a bumpy road. Don't know how this one turned out this way, but it reminds me of a bunch of marching ants somehow.
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