
By EgyptUnveiled

Behind bars

We spent about 4 hrs at the 'Coffee shop' today, or as some prefer to call it, the zoo.

A meeting with the new Manager of the establishment was both disturbing and upsetting, as we were told that no-one knew what to do with the animlas and no one cared. That is what we had thought since day one, but here it was being verbally confirmed to us and it was the final straw.

We drove to Neverland and embarked upon a mission, once again, to visit each cage and discuss the individual animals requirements. The simple fact that they need fresh water everyday, food and a clean environment. (Rubbish, metal pipes and rods are not a neccessary part of that environment.)
Despite this, after hours of talking and working with the owner, the Manager and Luxor Veterinary Services, small changes were implemented that we had been fighting for, over the last 5 weeks.

Robbie, my monkey, has a dead tree to climb and sit on. He will also have a larger area to move in when the welder comes tomorrow, now under the shade of a tree and even a fan blowing over him. I went inside the cage with him today and he was just like a child. He jumped on my shoulders, sat and tickled behind my ears, looked for 'Things' in my hair, playfully used me as a springboard to get to the top of the cage, sat in my lap and gave me a cuddle, which brought tears to our eyes. He just wants company and has even started to chatter now, lying back against the cage , so you can tickle behind his ears, stroke his arms, hold his hand and just pet him. It is an amazing experience.
He wasn't so keen on one of the Veterinary Services Doctors and whacked him in the eye! He also goes mad when the man that 'Feeds' the animals goes near him, he goes into attack mode!

Another monkey escaped, fleeing next door to the theme park, I felt her freedom as she ran and jumped over the empty rides. She had an hour before we managed to catch her and return her to her male, who was frantic without her.

So we made headway today and tomorrow the Egyptian Environment and Affairs Agency from Aswan visit. We should know what is going to happen tomorrow. They do not have a licence and so they will possibly confiscate the animals and then what? They are sent to Giza Zoo in Cairo, where all confiscated animals go. This is not something we want, as they may well be better off where they are. It is not a decision to be taken lightly, we may have to try and rehome the animals, returning them to the supplier in Cairo is not an option either I have been told.

This is the view that Robbie and his friends see everyday, week in week out. People staring, poking sticks through the cage, hitting the cage trying to make them move, screaming and shouting and feeding them any rubbish they can find on the floor.

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