Random Andom

By RandomAndom

Follow the instructions

See that button?
Guess what happens when you push it?

That's right.
You get a black coffee.
(If you didn't guess correctly, you're a mong!)

It's pretty simple,
Put cup under spout, push the button, get a black coffee.

So if you get a tea pot, with a tea bag in it. Do not put said tea pot under the spout and push the black coffee button. You will not magically make tea.

You'll get a black coffee like it says on the button! You moron!!

And when you do that incredibly stupid thing, and you get your coffee/ tea drink, DO NOT come and shout at the very busy and stressed out manager saying its his fault!

It is clearly your mistake!

You are clearly a moron and you really should take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror and think about whether or not you should be allowed out in civilised society!!

Here's a hint, you should not be allowed out!

And if you ever show yourself again I will shove your face in that spout and press "black coffee" repeatedly until your lungs fill up with black coffee and you drown!!

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