This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

A visitor.

Even though we went to sleep at one in the morning, I was awake by 6:30. We got to the farmer's market early this week. We picked up more baby potatoes, salad mix, broccoli and blueberries. Then we returned to the house to set up our impromptu yard or side walk sale. I had two big ticket items and a nice scattering of junk. I sold both big items and a bunch of the other things as well. Making almost $200 in a couple of hours. I like whims and I like getting rid of disused things especially when I need money. Our sale was over by noon.

I had to go to the store to get change and on my way there this lovely creature was in my path. I picked it up and brought it to a much more lush environment than the sidewalk in the grocery store parking lot. Plus I just had to show Stewart and now I am showing all of you. Do you all get these in Scotland? It is the size of my palm.

Who knows what the rest of the day holds, I imagine it will have something to do with art!

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