Alors voilà...

By so

Floating in the air

Having fun with the 50-mm lens, the tripod and natural light.
Nothing very original I'm afraid!

What's funny is that, out of the dozen shots I made, I finally chose this one, which is the only hand-held picture! The center of the flower is sharper than when I used the tripod, how is that even possible? Or maybe it just seems sharper because the other flowers are more out of focus? (of course you haven't seen the other pictures, so you wouldn't know, I'm just thinking aloud!).
Also, I think this image is too obviously centered, but again it looks better than the others, which looked "flat". There's a total of 4 flowers but they all grew on the same horizontal line (note for next year : give a better shape to the stem as it's growing...) so it was quite difficult to get a good composition.

Ok, I haven't written this much for a long time! Hope I'm not boring you.
I would appreciate technical opinions/advice on this shot, or just tell me why you like it or don't like it. I won't get upset if you don't like it, so feel free to talk!
Thanks ;-)

Have a good Sunday!

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