Oxalis adenophylla

Today's the day .............................. to garden

A much better day here today. We awoke to blue skies and sun which even had a bit of warmth in it. It was a day to cut the grass - and even do a bit of weeding.

Much as I would have liked to join in with these activities, I'm afraid my present mobility (although improving all the time) meant that I had to stay in on-looker mode. But, as I have said before, there is always plenty to look at in this garden.

These lovely little oxalis are in a stone trough - the perfect place for them as they are only about 6cm high. The foliage starts to appear in March and is very tactile, soft and spongy to the touch. The pink and white flowers roll out like umbrellas to the size of 50p pieces during May, June and July.

A lovely plant to have in the garden and very easy to grow.............................

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