
By MaybeDailyBob

Beech Tree Avenue

Off Badger Farm Road there is a former disused army base - Bushfield Camp. It is a bit of an odd place in that very little can be found out about the site's history. It appears that the camp was in place during the Second World War and that an airstrip was constructed around about the time of D-Day. During the 1950's the camp was used to train National Servicemen before they were posted to Germany or Malaya. Later the Royal Green Jackets moved in whilst their barracks in Winchester was refurbished.
I had seen a path that leads round to the site so I took a walk with the intension of taking photos of derelict buildings. I have some good shots and as I left the base following a path through the tree line I was confident I had something to upload.
However, as soon as I saw this avenue of beech trees I knew what would be posted today. The dappled shade seems to go on forever. To me a beautiful view.
So derelict buildings will be for another day.
There is a area of permitted access behind the old base and I walked round this. I was really surprise how quiet it was. I saw swifts, a sure sign summer is in the way, and a kestrel - moving far too quickly for me to catch a shot of.

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